
Invention of Computer

Father of Computer

Charles Babbage

                                  Charles Babbage is known as the father of computers because of his efforts made in this field.

In the year 1800 AD it was Charles Babbage who made the first electronic machine.

            Babbage presented something that he called "difference engine" to the Royal Astronomical Society on Jun 14, 1822 and in a paper entitled "Note on the application of machinery to the computation of astronomical and mathematical tables." It was able to calculate polynomials by using a numerical method called the differences method.

Charles Babbage

Charles Babbage was an English mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer,
He was born in London Dec. 26, 1791, St. Stephan day, in London. He was son of Benjamin Babbage, a banking partner of the Praeds who owned the Bitton Estate in Teignmouth.
                              In 1822Charles Babbage purposed and began developing the Difference Engine, considered to be the first automatic computing engine that was capable of computing several sets of numbers and making a hard copies of the results.
                            Babbage designed Difference Engine in 1822.It was specially designed to calculate mathematical tables.

Later, in 1833, Babbage designed another device called Analytical Engine. It was run by steam.

Analytical Engine
The mature analytical engine used punched cards adapted from the Jacquard loom to specify input and the calculations to perform. The engine consisted of two parts: the mill and the store. The mill, analogous to a modern computer's CPU, executed the operations on values retrieved from the store, which we would consider memory. It was the world's first general-purpose computer. 


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